Oscar Lingard's Headshot'

Oscar Lingard

Software Engineer

About Me

Who am I?

My name is Oscar Lingard and I'm a professional software engineer living and working in Manchester, UK. With a passion for coding and an experience store which continues to grow, I help create cutting-edge software solutions that allow businesses achieve their goals.

I specialize in DevOps with a strong coding background in languages including Typescript, Python and Rust. I have a particular focus on building AWS and Fastly cloud services on the edge.


    THG Accelerator

    Durham University

    BSc Mathematics: 1st Class Honours


Hover over the information icon to learn more about each skills

AWS + Cloud Services
FE Frameworks


  • Software Engineer II | THG

    • I built a delivery platform specialising in allowing one-click deployments of highly performant e-commerce sites.
      • We reduced the deployment time for sites from 6 hours to 4 minutes.
      • Migrated multiple sites over to our new architecture, successfully managing DNS and TLS to enable a 0 down-time migration.
      • Led a team of 8 to move our architecture over to run on Fastly rust edge services.

  • Software Engineer | THG

    • I worked on the project to radically overhaul the website Coggles.
      • We dropped TTFB by 70%.
      • We improved SEO rankings by 20%.
      • I introduced a CMS to give the content management team greater flexibility.
      • I worked closely with data pipeline team to introduce and monitor a brand new data pipeline for the new site.
      • I was a key member of the team overseeing the architecture switch at 2am.
    • I worked with our new starters to onboard them and bring our team size up from 3 to 11.
    • I planned weekly sprint items and led the sprint ceremonies.

  • Graduate Software Engineer | THG

    I joined THG to switch career trajectories and move into software engineering. I began their intense 6 month Accelerator training course to convert people who have shown an affinity towards software to software engineers.

    • I completed an in-depth 3 month course on Java spanning from reflection to Spring Boot.
    • In the pair project, I created a Shazam-like application in a week and presented our work to our peers.
    • I joined the Research and Development team after the Accelerator, a small team of only myself and my manager.
      • I was part of the team which built the patent-pending foundation finder tool.
      • We successfully delivered this tool on time with it now hosted on Look Fantastic.

  • Graduate Commercial Analyst | Booking.com

    During my graduate rotations, I have been able to experience multiple branches of the business. Highlights include:

    • Being actively sought out and asked to be one of the sole analysts in a high-profile marketing campaign.
    • Leading the creation of new and innovative forecasting methods in light of the Covid pandemic.
    • Presenting my analysis and recommendations to key stakeholders which are being used to further product development.

Projects and Contributions

  • Wundergraph/wundergraph - A framework for API composition, allowing to use multiple API's as if it were one.
    • Pull Request: Fixed the custom scalar functionality for downstream GraphQL services #427
    • Issue Creation: Propagating downstream API headers to the client's response. #385
  • Wundergraph/graphql-go-tools - The low level building blocks to write graphQL services in Go.
    • Pull Request: Allow a user to override a GraphQL's argument type. #455
  • Algolia/algoliasearch-client-javascript - The low level building blocks to write graphQL services in Go.
    • Pull Request: Removing mode for CloudFlare workers #1452
  • Mswjs/msw - A mocking library for Graphql and Rest APIs.
    • Pull Request: Support for GraphQL extensions to be mocked #981

Contact Me

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